I think it’s safe to let you know (damn press release embargo) that Chris Hawkins and I have a 6-page story in the Paul Lavallee‘s latest Induced comic. Bikini Rangers is the story of three kick-ass dames in bathing attire who roam the countryside doling out punishment and asking questions later. Think Baywatch meets The Legend of Kung-Fu. Chris is the talented writer. As well as being the publisher, Paul lettered the comic. I did my humble part of the art chores. Check out the fantastic cover by the exquisite Fiona Staples (put a ring on it, boys. She’s a keeper).
The comic debuts on December 30th. Just in time for INDY COMIC WEEK at Happy Harbor (note the previous blog post).
I am, however, offering a pre-sale for anyone OUTSIDE of the Edmonton capital region (You guys in town better show up for some INDY WEEK). For the low price of $5, you can have your very own copy of Induced signed by the creative team.
Edit: Comic is no longer available for sale.

Preview of Bikini Rangers